
The Extra Fabulous Experience

Created by Zach M. Stafford

The first book and a new game from Zach M. Stafford, the creator of Extra Fabulous, Deogie, and Pervis Comics - join us!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 01:44:58 PM

Even burnt cake can be delicious!

Fab Friends!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Thanks so much to everyone who backed this campaign, we just wanted to give you a quick update before the weekend on our fulfillment process: spoiler alert – we're almost done!


  • US fulfillment has been completed!
  • UK/EU fulfillment has been completed!
  • Asia rewards shipment packing has been completed! A few areas are waiting for pickup by the carrier those locations are Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam, so your stuff is on its way.
  • Australia and New Zealand fulfillment is set to start in late May. We’re sorry this is taking longer than expected, but when we last spoke, the items that we thought were going to get sent by plane ended up being sent by boat, and as it turns out, boats are much slower than planes. Who knew?! Well, the boat has docked and we promise, your stuff is on its way to you!

Our eternal THANKS for your help making this campaign a reality. We love you, FAB FRIENDS!

-Extra Fabulous Support Squad

Got questions? Email [email protected] and we'll help you out.

over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 09:26:29 AM

Sometimes you have to slow down and have a talk...

Fab Friends!

We wanted to let you know that we're experiencing a bit of a delay on the shipping front in the New Zealand and Australia regions. Long story short, some of the items that were supposed to be shipped via plane ended up being shipped via boat - but we promise, your stuff is en route! It'll just take a wee bit longer. We will keep you up-to-date with the latest news as we have it.

International shipments are in the midst of shipping! If you haven’t received your rewards yet, worry not, they are coming!

If you receive an email from Quartermaster Logistics it is not spam. That message is either to confirm your shipping address so we can make sure that your rewards get to you safe and sound or to alert you that your rewards have shipped. You may not have received an email from Quartermaster Logistics yet and that’s ok too.

Our eternal THANKS for your help making this campaign a reality. We love you, FAB FRIENDS!

-Extra Fabulous Support Squad

Got questions? Email [email protected] and we'll help you out.

FULFILLMENT HAS BEGUN! The Extra Fabulous Experience is shipping early!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 02:46:31 PM

"It’s not a dream, it’s real!”

Fab Friends!

Who’s ready to be FULFILLED?! Maybe not emotionally or spiritually... but we are going to send you a lot of cool stuff in the mail.

In an unexpected turn of events, we’re able to fulfill your orders earlier than expected! We’ve started with North America with international shipments starting right after!

If you receive an email from Quartermaster Logistics it is not spam, it’s confirming your shipping address so we can make sure that your rewards get to you safe and sound.

If you filled out your survey after January 11th, you will be part of our second wave of shipments.

Thank you SO MUCH again for helping to make this campaign a reality. We are THRILLED to have you as our FAB FRIENDS.

-Extra Fabulous Support Squad

Got questions? Not sure if you've filled out your survey? Email [email protected] and we'll help you out.

Fulfillment is COMING! + Super Last Chance to Update Your Address
over 1 year ago – Sat, Jan 07, 2023 at 02:07:33 AM

Fab Friends!

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a spectacular end to your 2022, and we hope your 2023 is off to an EXTRA FABULOUS start! 


We decided since everyone is busy around the holidays that we'd give you a bit of extra time to confirm your shipping addresses, but now the time has come! If you've already filled out your BackerKit survey, great work, just double check that you gave us your most up-to-date shipping address - we just sent out an address confirmation email via BackerBit so check your inboxes! And if you haven't filled out your survey, you have until SUNDAY at 10AM to fill it out,or you will not be part of the first shipping wave. 

We're just waiting on the books to arrive in the warehouse (and we are told arrival is imminent) so you can expect fulfillment to begin ON TIME in March. Hooray! 

More updates as they come - and thank you SO MUCH again for helping to make this campaign a reality. We are THRILLED to have you as our FAB FRIENDS. 

-Extra Fabulous Support Squad

Got questions? Not sure if you've filled out your survey? Email [email protected] and we'll help you out. 

Extra Fabulous Fulfillment Update : ON SCHEDULE! + Locking Addresses on 12/15! + Digital Rewards: DISTRIBUTED!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 02:12:13 AM

Fab Friends!

Hello there! It's the Extra Fabulous Support Squad (EFSS) back again with an important update. We've missed you! 


Apologies for the false alarm on the digital rewards fulfillment - looks like there was a technical snafu with the BackerKit digital fulfillment process, but if you ordered any digital items including Book PDFs of DEOGIE LOVES YOU! or GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE: An "Extra Fabulous" Collection, they should now be in your inboxes! If you didn't receive your PDFs via BackerKit email yet, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will have them resent. 


The books have been printed, the plushies have been plushed, and the hats have been turned backwards...which means we are nearly all set to fulfill this campaign in March as promised... assuming everything arrives when it's supposed to.  So, do us a favor and send good vibes to the all the various shipping services we are employing to make this happen!  We'll let you know if the schedule changes... but so far, so good -- just look at these awesome books!!! 


We need to provide Quartermaster Logisics with all of the logistical data within the next two weeks, which means we need to lock in your addresses on 12/15! So please, if anything has changed with your address since you filled out your survey, please make sure it gets updated. 

After 12/15, you will no longer be able to change your addresses in BackerKit, but if suddenly you find yourself in need of an address change, not to worry - just email us at [email protected] and we'll get it sorted out. 

That's it for today! We hope all of you are enjoying the holidays and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns! 

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]