
The Extra Fabulous Experience

Created by Zach M. Stafford

The first book and a new game from Zach M. Stafford, the creator of Extra Fabulous, Deogie, and Pervis Comics - join us!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Extra Fab Friday! + Happy Canada Day! “Mounting Mountie” Ghost Profile Revealed! + Shen Comix joins The Extra Fabulous Experience! + Twitch Stream Today! + More Add-On Details Revealed!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 05:32:54 AM

Fab Friends!

Welcome to the first Extra Fab Friday of July – and CANADA DAY! As a special treat for our neighbors to the North, we wanted to reveal a special Ghost Profile Card just for them – The Mounting Mountie!

REVEALED: Mounting Mountie Ghost Card

Want this card? Don’t forget to back any level of the campaign that includes BOO-TY CALL!

ADD-ONS: Extra Fabulous Hat + Extra Deogie Stickers

We also wanted to let you know based on YOUR feedback, we’ll be making the Extra Fabulous Hat and extra Deogie stickers available after the campaign as add-ons!

We’re also well on our way to unlocking these amazing Deogie and Uncle pins, which will be $20 plus shipping, so if you want to help us unlock that goal, or if you want to purchase additional Deogie stickers or Extra Fabulous hats, just add the corresponding amount to your pledge!

C'mon, look at these adorable pins, as modeled by an adorable toddler!


Today’s guest comic comes from the incredible Shen Comix!

And don't forget, this comic, and all the other guest comics, are in every copy of GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE!

Want more Shen Comix? Click the link right here!


Don’t forget to swing by today’s TWITCH STREAM at 12pm PT / 3pm ET and say hello! That's RIGHT NOW!

Tune in right here!

Have a great holiday weekend! And don’t forget to enjoy the experience!

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]

Happy Thirsty Thursday! New Ghost Cards Revealed + Designer Diary Part 3 of 3!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 01, 2022 at 01:31:11 AM

Fab Friends!

Welcome back to another Thirsty Thursday! Thank you SO much for backing the campaign! The Extra Fabulous Support Squad is putting the final touches on a truly bonkers final week with some MASSIVE surprises in store, so thanks for your support in allowing us to bring you so much good stuff! We’re well on our way to unlocking 10 new cards for BOO-TY CALL -- all thanks to you!

And now, enjoy these thirsty ghosts:


honk honk

Marge, 44

💼 Mother Trucker

🎓 UTI Auto Training

📍 Coming on a highway near you

Looking for that double nickel Bulldog on the way to A-town. Big points for those who still use yard sticks on that big slab instead of hitting up your travel agent. Toothpick toters need not apply.

don't steal this package

Brock, 33

💼 Package Handler

🎓 Smanging I.T. University, Sweden

📍 1 stop away, scanning your box

On my feet all day, looking for someone to sweep me off them at night. Prefer the beach to mountains. I love romantic comedies, cute pictures of dogs, and anal. Ready for love!

DESIGNER DIARY Part 3 of 3 by Dan Stong "That Time I Heard My Mom Say 'GILF.'"

Designer Dan back again for the final dev diary for “Boo-ty Call”! In this one we will talk about playtesting the final version of the game, and all the things we learned from that!

Once we had the game locked in we started getting art from Zach, and as you’ve seen this stuff is phenomenal! Seeing it opened up some new avenues for Seance cards and really just pushed the game to a place where it was feeling more polished.  We took the final version back to our test groups and the response to the changes was overwhelmingly positive. The card art gave a whole new dimension for the players to consider, and Zach did an amazing job of working in details and themes across them all that could link them in interesting ways to make a tighter game while fleshing out the examination process for the medium players.

It was interesting to see how people accommodated themselves to the game and how players approached it at first vs later on.  Some people will go in hot and just guess after the first clue, but after a few misses where the next question would reveal the ghost they started cooling their heels a bit and only acting on their perceived “sure things”.  Others played it a bit too cautiously and when the time came to guess they missed out because even though they knew the answer, they wanted to remove some of the options by letting others make mistakes first.  Eventually many became players who were on another level, as they could read and make the connections from the slightest change of pitch in a pig squeal, the angle of a hand mid-stroke through the air, or the contortion of an eyebrow as it arched slightly in a lewd fashion. It became a game of learning the people you played with just as much as translating their clues.

It was ready.

I brought this version home to show the rest of my family the thing that had been haunting me for the last several months. After convincing my brother he would be the one to explain the words my 16-year-old nephew didn’t understand, we were off and running! My nephew wound up crushing us all in the game and affirming that the public school system still taught the same life lessons outside of class I learned when he giggled at the phrase “doggy-stylist.” We all had some good laughs and I felt I was ready for the next step.

I had to play this with my parents. Apart from telling them the name and my dad saying “I love booty :)” in the family text thread, we hadn’t talked too much about it before I got there.  My mom looked at the art on the cards and softly said stuff she was reading “GILF. . . Thicc. . .” All in all, a fun and not too scarring experience was had. We played the game, my dad laughed a little too hard at some things and my mom got slightly embarrassed, but it still worked! At the end of the day, it still wasn't the most traumatizing thing that’s ever happened at that kitchen table.

Thanks for reading all these stories about the game making process! I hope they were either mildly interesting or a passing distraction from an unwanted responsibility. If you have any questions, hit us up in the comments! Happy to answer anything! A huge thank you to the amazing Zach M. Stafford, Ben, Alex, and the rest of the team at Skybound who took a chance on the “horny ghosts” game, all the awesome playtesters for their insights, time, and laughter, and my amazing wife Lauren who has tried every version of this game and still says yes when I ask her to play it. But most of all, thank YOU fine people for letting me bring this silly game about dead people to life.

Thanks so much, Dan! If you haven't backed a level that includes BOO-TY CALL - what are you waiting for?? Get in on this action now!


Don’t miss Zach Stafford’s twitch steam tomorrow at noon PT/ 3pm ET – see you all there!

Until then – enjoy the experience! And keep sharing the campaign if you can!

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]

STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKED! Book upgrades galore! + 4000 backer SURPRISE! + Flork of Cows joins The Extra Fabulous Experience!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 06:40:23 AM

Happy hump day, fab friends!

Since yesterday’s update we’ve hit 4,000 backers! That’s enough people to fill up 26 Olive Gardens. Though there are 76 Olive Gardens in the state of Florida, so we can’t rest yet. Keep spreading the good word!

Surprise 4000 backer unlock – Digital Wallpapers!

And as a surprise unlock – here are some Extra Fabulous digital wallpapers for your enjoyment!

STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKED – End Sheets, Embossed Logos, and Author Doodles!

We’ve also unlocked our next stretch goal! Now, every copy of GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE comes with these sweet end sheets, an embossed logo, and signed copies now come with this author doodle from Zach Stafford! That’s right! THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE just got even sweeter, so if you’re on the fence, maybe this’ll help!

REVEALED! New Backer-Submitted Ghost Card – Ass-Tronaut!

It’s time to reveal the second of two new tarot-sized ghost profile cards that you’ve unlocked – Ass-tronaut! Submitted by backer Nick R:

Thanks for being a magnificent weirdo, Nick!

Got a ghost card suggestion? Submit your suggestions RIGHT HERE!

SPOTLIGHT ON: Flork of Cows

Today’s guest comic comes from the mysterious and elusive Flork of Cows!

We love you, Flork! Whoever you are...

Want more Flork of Cows? Click the link right here!

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Zach Stafford Twitter AMA

And in case you missed it, Zach Stafford did a fantastic Twitter AMA this morning! Here’s the link to all the comics he drew, including this sick Spinosaurus:

That’s it for today! Please keep sharing the campaign with all of your elderly relatives! We're well on our way to unlocking our next stretch goal - even more backer submitted cards!! 

See you again tomorrow for the next Thirsty Thursday – and until then, enjoy the experience!

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]

300k?! BATCH 3 Stretch Goals REVEALED! + Safely Endangered joins The Extra Fabulous Experience!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 03:48:33 PM

Fab Friends!

Welcome to week 3 of The Extra Fabulous Experience!

Our backers SMASHED through that last Stretch Goal! 4 exclusive EXTRA FABULOUS comics are being added to your copy of GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE. Nothing but the best for our backers! Additionally, all copies of BOO-TY CALL will now include the spot UV and make it shine like the star it is!

And now, the hotly anticipated reveal of BATCH 3!

BATCH 3 REVEALED! Book upgrades! WAY more cards! Deogie and Uncle Pins!!

Our next Stretch Goal is 3 book upgrades in one! A three-fer! First, every copy of GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE will now feature a special embossed logo! Rub your fingers all over it – we don’t mind! Next, every copy will include these Extra Fabulous end sheets! For those non-book nerds out there, those are the sheets of paper inside the cover that give a book that high-class feel! Finally, if you backed the PERSONAL EXPERIENCE or higher, all your signed books will also include a special doodle from Zach Stafford! And guess what, we’re less than 10k away from unlocking all of this for you!

The second goal of batch 3 is to unlock six more Séance cards and four more Ghost profile cards based on your suggestions! That’s an absurd 10 more cards in total! Let’s go get ‘em!

And the final stretch goal in batch 3 is another two-fer. We’re increasing the page count of GOOD COMICS FOR BAD PEOPLE yet again to add six new book exclusive Extra Fabulous comics to each book AND we’re also going to make this special DEOGIE AND UNCLE PIN SET available as an add-on! These are high-quality 1.25” enamel pins and the set will be available for $20 plus a very, very small shipping fee, so if you want to help us reach this goal even faster, just add $20 to your pledge right now, and you’ll be able to use it after the campaign ends to get these furry friends! Your Backwards Hat Guy pin seems lonely... so let’s do it!

SPOTLIGHT ON: Safely Endangered

Today’s guest comic comes from Chris McCoy aka Safely Endangered!

Want more Safely Endangered? Click the link right here!

Thanks so much again for joining the Extra Fabulous Experience! Don’t forget to share the campaign with all your Fab Friends, and we’ll see you again tomorrow!

Until then – enjoy the experience!

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]

“Spiritualism, Debriefed” by Herman Butternuts (Part 2 of 3) + Zach Stafford Twitter AMA TOMORROW!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 03:48:07 PM

Fab Friends!

Happy Tuesday! Welcome back to the Extra Fabulous Experience! As you all know, yesterday we announced that we’d broken 300k, which means we’ve blown through EIGHT stretch goals, all thanks to you! Together we’ve made the Extra Fabulous Experince one to remember – and we’re less than 3k away from unlocking our next stretch goal - some EPIC book upgrades!

But for now, let’s check back to the recovered diary of Herman Butternuts to see what he’s been getting up to:

“Spiritualism, Debriefed” by Herman Butternuts (Part 2 of 3)

If you missed the first, here is the tl,dr: Herman’s wife died and he felt like he wouldn’t ever find love again.  Instead of just doing “the devil’s handshake” for the rest of his days, he sought out psychics who could put him in touch (literally and figuratively) with his wife’s ghost.  He soon realized these spiritualists were pulling a con on him and he released his rage (and pants) in their direction. It ended as he stormed out vowing to uncover someone who could actually connect with the paranormal!

July 24, 1879

Oh my sweet Tabitha, in my nearly thirty years of traveling this country I have exposed a variety of acts that presume to prey upon mournful people, but none was as memorable as the following that occurred in the rural farmland called NEBRASKA!

A man in a traveling carnival claimed he could speak to the dead and would tell townsfolk details of their long-lost loved ones through the use of a supernatural priapism. He paraded among them and would make proclamations from their dearly departed using his magical trouser appendage he claimed was blessed with the power of clairvoyance. Most call this technique “COLD READING”.  He called it his “DOWSING ROD”.

The trick here was that EVERYONE he speaks to is over the age of 30, and there is nary a soul I know who hasn’t lost someone by that age.  When he stops his pitched tent before them, he asks leading questions that allow him to glean more details! With that and information he can pick up from their dress or reactions he can ask ever more “astonishing” questions! I couldn’t stand it and pushed through the crowd and started shouting at the man.

He must have thought me some sweat drenched and red-faced angel of judgment as he stumbled to the ground and relented on the spot! The crowd quickly dispersed thereafter. I bid him find an honest line of work as his pants deflated. Oh, my Tabby Cat, exposing that man to a large crowd gave me such a raucous thrill, I briefly forgot the longing I hold in my heart for you.  But always in the deepest part of me is the desire to be proven wrong, so that I may be put in touch with you once more. One day. .

Missing you dearly,

Herman Butternuts, Foiler of Phallic Fallacies

Never a dull moment in this journal! Here’s hoping Herman’s exploits into spiritualism aren’t all for naught and he can get what satisfaction he can from them. There is only one more entry whose pages were not stuck together, and we will share that with you in the near future. Until then, be sure to keep sharing your ghost ideas with us RIGHT HERE! They are a brilliant light in the days of everyone who gets to check them out and we have our second one to reveal soon, so keep flashing them!


Head over to Twitter for an Extra Fabulous AMA at 10am PT / 1pm ET! Zach will be drawing comics like the one above in response to YOUR questions so head on over to the link below and join in the fun!

Don’t forget – the best way to help us reach our goals is to share the campaign far and wide! We appreciate your support SO much and we can’t wait to send you all this amazing stuff!

See you again tomorrow – and until then, enjoy the experience!

-The Extra Fabulous Support Squad

[email protected]